Brazil shoots for sixth world cup football championship. Will Biodex get an assist? Football fans across the world are already eagerly anticipating the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil International Football Championship which kicks off in Rio de Janeiro on June 12. As is often the case, the storied Brazilian national team, which has in the past featured some of the top football talent of all time including Pele’ and the super striker, Ronaldo, is expected to seriously contend for the ultimate goal - and they’ve selected Biodex Medical Systems, Inc., to help play a supporting role.

Greek Elite Marathoner, the combination of scientific knowledge, state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment, along with an athlete's will, can only have a positive result. The combination of scientific knowledge, state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment, along with an athlete's will, can only have a positive result. As in the case of the well known 77 year-old Greek elite marathon runner Mr. Dousis Panagiotis, who suffered a left knee injury at the medial meniscus level.

Sports Medicine is Really a Team Effort When John Klimkiewicz, MD, signed on as an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in sport injuries at Georgetown University Hospital three years ago, he essentially became the team physician for the 670 athletes that make up all of the university's varsity teams. In addition, he has a full practice of patients, which includes seeing as many as 140 patients a week and performing about 400 surgical cases a year.

Biodex System 4 is the Center of Clinical Studies in the Department of Biomedical Engineering The Biodex dynamometer is the center of our laboratory and has been modified with multiple six-axis load cells, which allow for force and torque measurement at multiple joints simultaneously. Our Biodex machine is coupled with a 16-channel electromyography (EMG) machine (Bortec Biomedical Ltd). Data from both the load cells and EMG system are collected by LabVIEW and a National Instruments data acquisition system. This equipment allows for multiple digital and analog input/output ports, in addition to the force, torque, and EMG signals. Our system is also complemented with a dual screen computer that can be programed to give real time feedback to our subjects. Please take some time to read below about some of the ongoing projects in our Biodex Laboratory.

Drummer's Shoulder Gets In Tune: Biodex Multi-Joint System Helps Improve Shoulder Weakness In American Jazz/Fusion Drummer Lenny White had a problem, and it had been dogging him already for several years. "When you can't work because you can't move your shoulder the right way," he recalled realizing, "then it's time to see the doctor."

"Small Studies" Yield Big Findings Sometimes you've got to sort through the small stuff to get a better look at the big picture. At least that's how Dr. Matt Kostek, HFS, sees things at the University of South Carolina's Laboratory of Muscle and Translational Therapeutics.

Industrial Physical Capability Services (IPCS) Biodex System 4 — "New Hire" Screening and Return-to-Work Programs Begin Here Employers of all sizes are paying attention to the cost of workplace accidents. While the number of reported cases, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics has decreased overall, in the most recent reported year 2009, there are occupations in the private sector such as hospital workers and truck drivers showing increases. And the news for the public sector worker was not good.
For the first time, in 2008, a Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) collected national data on 19 million state and local government workers which showed these public sector employees experienced a significantly higher incidence of work related injuries and illnesses in 2008 than did private sector employees, as reported in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, February 2011 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. The decrease overall is misleading as those performing strenuous and repetitive work are getting injured at an alarming rate.
