System 4 Pro™

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Six Phases of Rehabilitation

The System 4 allows for six phases of rehabilitation following the model of proving need, progress, and outcome.

1. Healing constraints and Proving Need
In Passive Mode, gentle range of motion exercise can facilitate the healing process and restore normal range of motion necessary for function. Isometric mode allows safe comfortable strengthening and testing at specified angles that are safe for both your pre-operative and post-operative patients.

2. Controlling Joint Effusion / Inflammation
Utilizing the Passive mode with other modalities allows the structures around the joint to work as a pump to move blood, lymph and other waste products out of the joint. The Biodex System 4 has the capability to move the limb as slow as .25 degrees per second and with force capabilities as low as .5 ft-lb.

3. Restoring Range of Motion
Controlling the System 4 through the GUI interface in Passive Mode allows range of motion to be restored by gradually increasing range of motion "on the fly" in specified direction, appropriate speeds and safe torque levels.

4. Restoring Strength and Proving Progress
Isometric, active assistive, sub maximal concentric and submaximal eccentric contractions are early strengthening techniques that are available to the System 4 user. More progressive maximal concentric, eccentric contractions are available in Isokinetic, Isotonic, Passive and Reactive Eccentric modes. All of these modes are also suitable for testing and delineating a documentable progression of muscular strength, endurance and joint position sense.

5. Restoring Function
Isokinetic concentric / concentric mode allows for safe exercise at speeds which approximates function. Impact and inertia free Isotonic mode allow muscle to contract exactly as they would performing during Functional activities. Joint position sense, muscular acceleration and deceleration are also activities that are addressed with the Biodex System 4.

6. Proving Outcome
All five modes are available to objectively assess isolated joint muscular strength and endurance. Report parameters are comparable to normative data. Progress Reports and Exercise Summary Reports are available to track available test criteria such as pain, range of motion, strength, and other customizable parameters.

(800) 224-6339

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Kevin Wilk Seminar Recent Advances in the Treatment of the Shoulder and Knee

What They Are Saying
North Fork Physical Therapy
Mark Wahl PT, MS, OCS, Cert. MDT, GCS

“I'm very pleased with my new Biodex System 4 Pro. I like how easy it is to set up patients and get them right into a rehab or test session - that's a good return on investment from a time perspective.”


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