
Biodex offers concussion, fall screening and balance assessment and training programs designed to complement the Balance System SD and BioSway diagnostic units. Physical therapy and rehabilitation products are vital components in the treatment of balance disorders and neurological disorders.

Parkinson’s Disease Program

Help patients with Parkinson’s disease improve ambulation, increase function and reduce the risk of fall.  With more than 60,000 new Parkinson’s disease cases reported annually, Biodex Balance & Mobility devices can help this growing, and underserved population. Intense exercise has been shown to slow the progression of symptoms. 

Peripheral Neuropathy Program

Help Peripheral Neuropathy patients “Regain Their Center” with balance assessment and training. Peripheral neuropathy patients with extremity numbness are in a high risk of fall; our Balance Assessment and Training Program can help them improve stability and rebuild the core strength necessary to mitigate a fall and improve balance and mobility.

Biodex Balance Assessment for Concussion Management

Biodex Balance Assessment for Concussion Management adds an objective neurophysical component that gives clinicians the ability to quantify the elements of balance before and after an injury occurs. The objective data provided by Biodex Balance Assessment provides a performance baseline against which post-injury performance can be compared. Detailed summary and progress reports track recovery and provide the medical team with quantitative data to help with the return-to-play decision.

Fall Risk Screening & Conditioning Program

Reduce falls and improve balance. Falls are one of the greatest causes of serious health problems among older adults. Biodex has established a Fall Risk Screening & Conditioning protocol that allows residents to enter a program with data-driven goals. The easy to understand feedback keeps people motivated to improve their results. The program and associated technology, will not only help reduce a patient’s risk of falling, but can be used to rehabilitate total hip and knee replacement, as well as a wide array of orthopedic and neurological conditions and generally improve overall mobility.


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