Biodex is often cited in news articles discussing industry trends, new technology and advancements. There are also times when we find interesting news articles that we like to share with our customers. Outlined below are periodicals where Biodex has been mentioned, corporate press releases, and other relevant industry news.
Want to lead a well-balanced life? Put down the self-help and diet books and just try standing on one foot for a minute.
“If you can maintain a minute, you’re doing pretty well with balance,” said Erin Smith, wellness director at Westhills Village Retirement Community. If you wobble before time’s up, don’t panic. With age comes wisdom, white hair — and wobbles. “Unfortunately, as we age, our balance is one of the first things that we tend to lose,” Smith said.
The single-leg stance is one of the tools she uses to improve stability in her clients, most of whom are residents of the southside Rapid City retirement home. The rest are on a waiting list to move into the continuing care facility. >>
For years, skilled nursing facilities have filled the gap between hospital and home for patients needing help after surgery, heart attacks, strokes and other disorders, but had little to help those patients prevent a common threat to their recovery: A fall.
Now, McPherson Hospital’s Rehabilitation Services Department offers the latest in computerized rehab technology for patients whose conditions place them at increased risk of potentially fatal falls: The Biodex Balance System.The Biodex Balance System enables McPherson Hospital therapists to test the ability of their patients to resist balance challenges that could induce a fall, and to compares those test results to aged-matched “normal” persons. When fall risks are detected, therapists aided by software programs in the Balance System can, over a period of weeks, help patients develop the muscle strength and neurological response necessary for them to walk more safely when discharged. >>