Music-Assisted Therapy

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Biodex Music-Assisted Gait Training and Parkinson’s: Body in Balance
Physical therapists at Body in Balance Rehabilitation & Fitness train neurologically involved patients on the Music-Enhanced Gait Trainer 3. Fran, who has been living with Parkinson's for 40 years, describes the effects of the music: "The Gait Trainer kept my brain aware that my feet should keep going."


Biodex Music-Assisted Therapy for the Gait Trainer™ 3
Based on decades of research showing the power of music in treating movement disorders, Biodex offers a Music-Assisted Therapy Package for the NEW Gait Trainer™ 3. Partnering with Hope Young, founder of the Center for Music Therapy (Austin, TX), Biodex provides a starter library of music therapy-informed compositions written and composed by music therapists to enhance treatment of debilitating neuropathologies. Using the exclusive instrumented deck of the Gait Trainer 3, the value of therapy can now be measured through quantitative reporting proving need, progress and outcome.


Biodex Gait Trainer 3 with Music Therapy Launches in Stockholm, Sweden
The Biodex Gait Trainer 3 with the Integrated Music Therapy option makes its European debut in Stockholm, Sweden. Hope Young, executive producer of the Movement Tracks Project, meets up with Bjorn Augustin and Dr. Nico Fiorente for the historic European launch of this groundbreaking gait training technology that integrates music composed to treat patients with neurological involvement.


Balance & Mobility Exercise for Parkinson’s disease
With more than 60,000 new Parkinson’s disease cases reported annually, Biodex offers a series of integrated Balance & Mobility devices that can help this growing, and underserved population. Intense exercise can help slow the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms.







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