Music-Assisted Therapy

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In The News

Biodex is often cited in news articles discussing industry trends, new technology and advancements.  There are also times when we find interesting news articles that we like to share with our customers. Outlined below are periodicals where Biodex has been mentioned, corporate press releases, and other relevant industry news. 

Corporate partners of ICAA will present balance and mobility exercise devices to fuel wellness offerings for baby boomers.

October 10, 2018, Shirley NY – Next week at the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) Conference in Long Beach, California, medical equipment manufacturer Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. aims to educate on the importance of age-appropriate technology in wellness program design. Attendees of the conference will have an opportunity to explore exercise and rehabilitation equipment intended to help seniors address every link in the mobility chain. >>

Rehabilitation technology that uses music to help neurological patients recover lost movement will reach a global audience at the International Society of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine’s congress in Paris.

June 25, 2018, Shirley NY – At their debut appearance at the ISPRM World Congress in July, Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. will exhibit the new Gait Trainer 3, an advanced system that uses music and the principle of neuroplasticity to change lives for patients with movement disorders. This combination of music and technology is a first in neurologic rehabilitation. >>

Project of the Center for Music Therapy, Austin, TX will feature innovative Gait Training technology from Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. that merges therapist-informed music with gait training treadmill system to achieve better treatment outcomes for individuals with impaired movement.

February 12, 2018, Shirley NY – South by Southwest (SXSW) recently announced the Movement Tracks Project as a finalist for their Interactive Innovation Awards, which will honor ground-breaking advancements from 2017. A collaboration between therapists and musicians to use Biomedical Music technology to help people with movement disorders walk again, Movement Tracks will highlight the Gait Trainer 3 treadmill system from Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. at the March 11 SXSW Finalist Showcase. >>


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