System 4 MVP™

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“At our Clifton Street Practice at Rehab Associates, we offer the Biodex for patients in Post-Surgical Phase or other types of injuries. It is used for regaining range of motion with the CPM mode... >>

David Fevre, MSC, MCSP, SRP
Senior Physical Therapist for English Premier League Football (Soccer) Club

Blackburn, UK

“One piece of the equation I consider especially important is our Biodex Multi-Joint System. I really like it for the isokinetic capability, but I use it in the other modes as well. It is very useful as an exercise-based rehabilitation tool. I was always taught that exercise is the most important part of physio, and this is one of the few machines with a plug that actually provides exercise modality.” >>

Mitchelle Calderon, PT
Staff Physical Therapist

Du Quoin, IL

“I have used the Biodex Multi-Joint System for knee and shoulder rehabilitation over the past two years and have found it an excellent tool for testing and treatment of various patient groups. With both panel and computer controls, the Biodex System makes it convenient to switch between modes and tailor programs to specific patients.” >>

Dori Hildreth-Fischer
Lab Instructor and Manager of the PTA Program

Springfield, VA

“In our PTA program, the students are given a very general introduction to the Biodex Multi-Joint System. They are then responsible for learning the system's isokinetic, isometric and passive uses for the knee, in order to pass the practical part of their exam. The students were also excited to use this equipment for other joints and body parts in class presentations. This is fundamental knowledge to be taken into their clinical affiliations.” >>

Joe Hidler, PhD
Director of the Center for Applied Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Research (CABRR)

Washington, DC

“We've been using the Biodex Multi-Joint System for a variety of research studies over the last several years. All told, we have been extremely happy with the system's performance, flexibility, and expandability.

In terms of setting up the subject, the adjustability of the chair and motor allow for the system to be positioned in almost any configuration, including experimental paradigms targeting the upper and lower extremities. This has made testing subjects with neurological injuries such as stroke and SCI easy and safe. In regards to testing subjects, the various control modes of the MJS have allowed us to impose movements necessary for studying spasticity, reflex function, and range of motion, as well as apply constant loads for isotonic experiments. With the recent release of the Research Tool Kit from Biodex, we can now impose a greater range of positional perturbations, which is extremely important when trying to identify pathological behaviors such as muscle properties, spasticity, weakness, and tone. >>

Barry Moochler, PT

Auburn, NY

“I've worked with Isokinetic systems for over 15 years and I've got to say, the Biodex Multi-Joint System that I've recently purchased is really getting the job done here.

Ease of use is the big plus with the Biodex MJS. The System software is intuitive and easy to use. That helps speed things right along. The versatility of the dynamometer, chair and attachments are also a tremendous help. With this set-up I can have a wide variety of patient types up and ready to go in a matter of minutes. On average, I put about 150 patients on the system each week. In addition to Isokinetics, I often use the system for passive/active assisted isotonics, eccentrics and proprioception exercises. I've also worked up a program using the Biodex System for baseline testing of local high school athletes, drawing a solid response from the local community." >>

Sue Kammerle, MPT

Bryn Mawr, PA

“Biodex Multi-Joint System has been a great choice for us. We use it mostly for continuous passive motion (CPM) and isokinetics, and it has become the most used piece of equipment in our facility.

We treat 10 to 15 total knees a day using the system in the passive mode. We like to set up patients to receive 20 to 30 minutes of CPM per session before eventually stepping them up to isokinetics. The CPM mode is great because it leaves us the flexibility to treat other patients at the same time. We try to push total knee replacements 5 degrees per day based on tolerance. We generally start at 80% flexion and 80% extension, working gradually until achieving 100% ROM. At four weeks post-op, total knee patients can begin isokinetics." >>

Tom Gilliam, Ph.D.

“Obtaining defensible, objective, reliable and valid data are critical components when performing physical capability strength tests to industry. The Biodex Isokinetic System provides my company, the quality control we need to satisfactorily provide new hire and return-to-work evaluations.” 

Robert Volski, PT

Fort Meyers, FL

“We are really excited about our new Biodex System 4 Pro. The patient setups are easy, the software is very user friendly and the option to use either the mouse or touch screen while navigating the program works for us. The new CDS cart has a low profile and looks good in our facility. So far, our system has been very reliable but it's comforting to know that the Biodex service staff is just a phone call away if you need them.” 

Mark Wahl PT, MS, OCS, Cert. MDT, GCS

Riverhead, NY

“I'm very pleased with my new Biodex System 4 Pro. I like how easy it is to set up patients and get them right into a rehab or test session - that's a good return on investment from a time perspective. The new Advantage Software is simple to follow and the printer generates sharp, clean, colorful reports. The System 4 is also great for marketing. Esthetically, it looks impressive in our facility. When new patients visit, we put them through a test and then print out a report to show where they have a deficit. With a report in hand, the patient knows immediately that they need to get to work.”

Noah Wasielewski, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training and Exercise Science

Charleston, SC

“I'm at a liberal arts undergraduate institution and we use our Biodex System 4 Pro for a mix of applications. We have an athletic training curriculum, exercise science program and clinical athletic trainers here. All three groups use the system. I especially like the new Graphics User Interface (GUI) that allows for touch screen or mouse operation." >>

Pat Lamboni
Head Athletic Trainer

Salisbury, MD

“We use our Biodex System 4 for a wide variety of applications ranging from testing to early-, late- and middle- phase rehabilitation. The system is easy to learn and operate and we use it on average five or six times per day. It has proven very reliable, and I especially like the high-speed eccentric capability.” 


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