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In The News

Biodex is often cited in news articles discussing industry trends, new technology and advancements.  There are also times when we find interesting news articles that we like to share with our customers. Outlined below are periodicals where Biodex has been mentioned, corporate press releases, and other relevant industry news. 

Treatment of Hip Fractures in the Elderly

November 26, 2013
By HealthQuest, Zimbio.com
Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township. For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors. "It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/news/St-Luke-s-shows-off-balance-system/-/121458/22380948/-/13irrcn/-/index.html
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Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township. For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors. "It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/news/St-Luke-s-shows-off-balance-system/-/121458/22380948/-/13irrcn/-/index.html
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there were up to 258,000 hospital admissions for hip fractures among people aged 65 and older in 2010. It is estimated that by 2030, the number of hip fractures will reach 289,000, which is an increase of 12%.

Most hip fractures in the elderly are caused by falls or trauma to the hip. Geriatric patients with osteoporosis are at a greater risk of hip fracture in the event of a fall.  Medical conditions and physical inactivity are among the other factors that contribute to hip fractures among older people. >>

Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township. For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors. "It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/news/St-Luke-s-shows-off-balance-system/-/121458/22380948/-/13irrcn/-/index.html
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Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township. For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors. "It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/news/St-Luke-s-shows-off-balance-system/-/121458/22380948/-/13irrcn/-/index.html
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To assist parents and coaches in protecting young athletes from the serious head injuries that can result from returning to play too soon after a suffering a concussion, The Valley Hospital Sports Institute offers the ImPACT Concussion Management Test.  ImPACT (Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) is an innovative computerized evaluation system that assesses the effects and severity of a concussion and helps determine when it is safe for an athlete to return to contact sports following a concussion. >>

St. Luke's shows off balance system

October 10, 2013
Meghan Packer, www.wfmz.com – Reporter, [email protected]
Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township. For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors. "It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/news/St-Luke-s-shows-off-balance-system/-/121458/22380948/-/13irrcn/-/index.html
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Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township. For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors. "It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/news/St-Luke-s-shows-off-balance-system/-/121458/22380948/-/13irrcn/-/index.html
Connect with us! Facebook/69WFMZ or @69News

BETHLEHEM, Pa. – Balance is something most people take for granted and nobody knows that more than Chris Henry of Palmer Township.

For the last few years she has had serious problems with her balance and couldn't get much help from doctors.

"It's not frustrating, it's devastating," she said. "I have to hold the wall all the time because when you walk you feel like walking on a cloud," she recalled about what it used to be like for her.

"I was falling on the floor unconscious from taking showers," she said. Henry was at her wits' end and said she even got depressed because nobody was able to pinpoint what was wrong and offer a solution. >>

Device helps W.Va. patients learn to walk again

September 22, 2013

South Charleston’s Thomas Memorial Hospital recognized the need for a Biodex Unweighing System in support of its stroke patients. Treadmill training in the safety of the harness and body-weight support allows stroke patients the right therapy environment. Kelly McGrew, physical therapist, notes that the Unweighting System helps improve both speed and balance.  “The Biodex Unweighing System gets you to the next level,” McGrew said. "With strokes, you want to do repetition, repetition, repetition because that's how they recover." >>

How to avoid potential liability headaches from state concussion laws

June 18, 2013

In 2006, 13-year-old Zack Lystedt suffered multiple concussions in a football game, which resulted in serious long-term brain injuries. Zack’s case inspired patient advocates, who successfully lobbied the Washington State Legislature to adopt the nation’s first “concussion law” in 2009.

Since then, more than 40 state legislatures have enacted concussion laws. These laws typically require removing players who suffer suspected sports-related concussions from sports activities until a health care professional clears them to return to play. While these laws are well-intentioned, and have strong popular and physician appeal, they may inadvertently pose new liability risks to pediatricians and other health care professionals. >>


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