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Trevor Meyerowitz Physical Therapy
Trevor Meyerowitz, PT

Boca Raton, FL

“I've had good success with my Biodex Balance System. I've been using it with patients that have Parkinson's Disease and balance has improved in 60% of the cases.

I put patients on the Balance System prior to using any other intervention (including therapeutic exercises, transfer training and gait training.) The patients perform both LOS and dynamic training during each session. Sessions are scheduled for the same time each visit to account for medication schedules.

This protocol has been working very well. For example, one 74-year old patient has improved from BSI of 15.9 to 3.7 in four weeks (11 treatments). Another patient, age 78, has improved from 4.9 to 3.2 in four weeks (10 treatments).

The objective results provided by the Balance System encourages patients by providing feedback they can easily understand. Even more important, these patients are noticing significant improvement in functional balance at home. I would certainly recommend this system to other clinics whose clientele suffer from Parkinson's Disease.”


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