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Suzie Bowles

Westminster, MD

“I recently completed Cardiac Rehab at Lifebridge in Pikesville, MD. I found that the BioStep machine was the best machine for my needs among all the machines available.

In addition to having a stent put into the main artery in my heart in February, I suffer from diabetic neuropathy in my feet. Because of this, I am on many medications which have caused me to gain over 100 pounds in the five years since my diagnosis. It is very difficult for me to use a treadmill and I definitely can't use a bicycle where my feet are hanging. The only two machines I am able to use are a recumbent bike and the BioStep.

I really love the BioStep because it enables me to exercise both my upper and lower body. Also, the pushing movement of the foot pedals is easier than cycling. I am able to complete 30 minutes and more on the BioStep, while 10-15 minutes on the recumbent bike is difficult.”


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