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Stephen Minning, MPT

Florence, KY

“We have had the Biodex Gait Trainer in our clinic for about nine months now and our results have been very positive. With this piece of equipment, we are able to easily gather objective data regarding gait - data that used to be either too difficult or too time consuming to gather for clinic use.

One thing that our patients really enjoy about this piece of equipment is the audio and visual feedback they receive. It really helps them see the progress made from visit to visit. I like the objective information provided, and physicians and third-party payers really like the printouts with hard numbers that we use to track progress.

We’ve had such good success that we now put all of our post-surgical patients on the Biodex Gait Trainer when they come off assistive devices so we know what to focus on for gait training. We’ve also recently developed a fall prevention and conditioning program for our community-dwelling elderly population, and everyone who suffers from poor gait.

In sum, I’ve had really positive results using the Biodex Gait Trainer and would highly recommend it to other clinics and practices.”


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