NxStep™ Unweighing System

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Stephen Jeffrey
Physical Therapy and Aquatic Therapy Coordinator

Dunbar, WV

“We count on our Biodex Unweighing System as a vital component in our work with traumatic brain injury patients and cerebral palsy patients that have some weight-bearing skills. Frequently, we position the Unweighing System over our Biodex Treadmill, and then set the treadmill at a very slow speed. Occasionally, we use it in conjunction with the Biodex Balance System, or to simply free-wheel patients across an open floor. The system is extremely versatile and I would certainly recommend it to facilities working with patients similar to our caseload.” 

Audrey Zucker-Levin PT, PhD, MBA, GCS

Memphis, TN

“The Biodex Offset Unweighing System performs very well in our clinical setting. We especially like to use it in combination with a treadmill. The system fosters a feeling of security in patients, helping them feel both comfortable and safe as we ask them to attempt high-level demands they would not try without such support.” 

Edgardo Gutierrez

Madison, TN

“The Biodex Unweighing System is an extremely versatile tool that sees a lot of use at our facility. Once the safety harness is attached to the patient, a newfound sense of security allows concentration on the task at hand. We use it to help patients work on balance and endurance, correct gait deviation, and to improve weight shifting, trunk mobility, step length and stride. The more patients use the Unweighing System, the more they love it. Every rehabilitation facility should own this effective piece of equipment.” 

Mindy Siebeneck, MPT

Columbus, OH

“The Biodex Unweighing System is an integral part of treatment plans for many stroke and spinal cord patients at our facility. The system allows therapists to focus on a patient's quality of movement while also helping to increase endurance. In other words, it does more than simply hold the patient in an upright position. Use of the Unweighing System has helped several of our more seriously involved patients regain hope while other patients have easily progressed to a less restrictive assistive device.” 

Mary Ann Webb, PT

Decatur, IN

“We purchased our Biodex Offset Unweighing System upon opening our new hospital in July, 2005. We use it with clients that have neurological dysfunction. The system lets the therapist facilitate more normal gait patterns without the need for a support person. Our patients like the Offset Unweighing System because it reduces fear of falling, allowing clients to better concentrate on their gait pattern. The offset design also provides excellent access to the client for facilitation.” 

John Welsheimer, PT, MSSL
Director, Outpatient Therapy Services

Ashland, KY

“The Biodex Offset Unweighing System is a versatile component of our rehabilitation program. We use it frequently with neurologically involved patients in need of progressive weight bearing or gait training, to de-weight lumbar patients, and with certain types of orthopedic fractures. Our patients tell us they like the feeling of security when strapped into the system. The Offset Unweighing System helps patients tackle new challenges they might not try without such reassuring assistance.” 

Julie Collins, MA, OTR/L
Director of Rehab Services

Delaware, OH

“My staff loves it. They tell me that set-up is quicker and still accurate without performing leg measurements. Touch screen is great. Printout information is more relevant and provides data more sensitive to incremental improvements (i.e. stance time, step length). The change to MPH is much more relevant to patients.”

Eugene DesLaurier, MPT
Director of Physical Therapy

Southport, NC

“We find the Biodex Gait Trainer to be terrific for working with very deconditioned individuals including orthopedic, neurologic, older adult, stroke, spinal cord and head injury patients. Because the Gait Trainer has a zero starting speed with 0.1 mph increments, it is perfect for working with patients who are afraid of falling. With the visual and audio feedback, it is easy to keep patients focused and on task. We use the system to promote normal walking patterns, help develop balance and coordination, improve strength and range of motion, and to provide quantified, documented progress to both the patient and third-party payers." >>

Stephen Minning, MPT

Florence, KY

“We have had the Biodex Gait Trainer in our clinic for about nine months now and our results have been very positive. With this piece of equipment, we are able to easily gather objective data regarding gait - data that used to be either too difficult or too time consuming to gather for clinic use.

One thing that our patients really enjoy about this piece of equipment is the audio and visual feedback they receive. It really helps them see the progress made from visit to visit. I like the objective information provided, and physicians and third-party payers really like the printouts with hard numbers that we use to track progress." >>

Mitch Carr, MS. Ed

Chicago, IL

“Our patients are ecstatic to use the Biodex Gait Trainer, it's an excellent piece of equipment. In fact, we have two at our facility, they're used everyday. The on-screen footfall display is key. It helps patients tremendously. We're treating patients with stroke, traumatic brain injury, MS – the new display is bigger, easier to use and just enhances function. Even our patients without neuro disabilities like the Gait Trainer better than standard commercial treadmills. I would recommend this product to any facility providing neurorehabilitation services.” 


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