
Jason Pratt, Director of Rehab Services

Oswego, NY

“The first Biodex product we got was the BioSway. We all loved the machine. We got great feedback from people using it, and we ended up using it more and more. We use the BioSway all the time for health fairs or anywhere there are one-on-one interactions. I do a modified test at these fairs, which I have programmed into the system. It’s so popular, it opens up a large opportunity to create connections with the public.” >>

Spencer Elliott, MA, LAT, ATC
Manager of Athletic Training

Charlotte, NC

“We chose to use the Biodex BioSway as our primary vestibular assessment tool based on its simplicity for our clinical staff.  Clinicians performing the balance test at the Competitive Edge Sports Screening Day had never used the Biodex equipment before, but with minimal training on the morning of the event, these clinicians quickly became pros, each performing 25-30 baseline tests every hour. The Biodex testing, paired with the ImPACT™ cognitive testing, is a powerful tool to determine when an athlete is ready to return to play following a concussion.” >>

Lisa Lowe MEd, ATC, LAT, CSCS
Head Athletic Trainer

Austin, TX

“The portable Biodex BioSway has been an invaluable piece of equipment in our athletic training room. It is a multi-functional unit that couldn't be easier to set-up and to use. We have been able to do everything with it from collecting baselines for our concussion management protocol, to utilizing it for balance training with our lower extremity rehabilitations, to even helping an athlete work on initial weight-bearing after a major injury.”

Paul Lasinski
Athletic Trainer and Health Educator/ Student Assistance Liaison

Greenlawn, NY

“I used the Biodex BioSway and Biodex Concussion Management Program this past fall football season. Although we went concussion free, it was comforting to know I had the Biodex balance test data available because it gave us another tool if needed for the RTP decisions. Plus it quantifies the person's balance with hard data rather than relying on the subjective nature of the balance testing in the other assessments.”

Mark V. Paterno PT, MS, MBA, SCS, ATC
Coordinator of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy,
Assistant Professor Sports Medicine Biodynamics Center,

Cincinnati, OH

The Biodex Concussion Management Program Is Both Reliable
and Cost Effective

“I'm very happy with the new Biodex Concussion Management Program. Here at the Sports Medicine Biodynamics Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, we have tried some other balance screening tools in the past but haven't been thrilled with the results. In fact, for some devices, we've questioned the reliability of the data generated. Right now, however, we are very excited with the results from our Biodex BioSway System. Over the past six to 12 months we have made an effort to fully implement the BioSway System and the Biodex Concussion Management Program and, in fact, we are well on our way to making the BioSway the only balance assessment tool we use.

“The major advantage of the Biodex BioSway System and the Concussion Management Program is their objectivity. The tools that we've used in the past have generally relied on the subjective evaluation of the treating clinician to determine if there are deficits in the balance, but the beauty of this new combination is that it gives you very objective results of subtle changes in postural sway. This makes for a much more sensitive tool to evaluate if some of these patients actually have deficits.” >>


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