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System 4 — A Great Motivational Tool

March 14, 2012
Lila Corwin, Vice President, Marketing Communications, Biodex

We recently had an opportunity to speak with one of our prominent rehab customers, Jersey Sports Medicine and Rehab in Morristown, NJ, who are part of Summit Medical Group (SMG). The facility specializes in orthopedic and sports-related rehabilitation. They depend on numerous Biodex products including the Biodex Multi-Joint System 4, Upper Body Cycle, Lower Body Cycle and RTM Treadmill. Most notable of the devices in the facility is the Biodex Multi-Joint System 4, an advanced Dynamometer for neuromuscular and isokinetic strength testing, and rehabilitation.

"One of our best tools in keeping things running smoothly and returning patients to task," explains P.J. Ritter, who manages the three Jersey Sports Medicine and Rehab clinics," is the Biodex Multi-Joint System 4. We use it for baseline testing of knee and shoulder patients, to educate patients about their specific injuries in terms of strength and progress, and to build strength with post-operative knee and shoulder patients. It's also a great motivational tool."Samantha Zimmerman, Dr. John Hurley and PJ Ritter

According to Ritter, it really helps to explain to knee and shoulder patients exactly what they are recovering from, and how their rehabilitation will progress over time. Discussing strength deficits and bilateral comparisons helps, of course, but showing patients actual numbers generated on the Biodex System 4 really drives home the talking points and allows patients to see improving results charted from week to week.

Specificity is Important

John Hurley, MD, a renowned orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports injuries of the knee and shoulder for more than 20 years, agrees with Ritter on the positive influence of Biodex baseline testing and progress reports.

"The information provided by the System 4 can be especially helpful from two aspects," explains Hurley. "First, if we do the test early on (12 weeks post-op), we can show the patient the results and then compare it four to six weeks later when the athlete has improved strength. We also use the data generated to determine when an athlete is ready for return to play. We try to get the strength back to within 10% bilaterally, as quantified by the Biodex System 4, before advancing to the final phase of their rehabilitation program stage."

The Biodex System 4 is more than just a testing and motivational tool. Hurley uses it for all of his post-op knee and shoulder patients whether they are high school students, college athletes or professionals. The big advantage of the Biodex, according to Hurley, is that it allows for muscle strengthening using isokinetic resistance exercises where the joint pushes against a constant resistance at varied speeds.

"We like the isokinetic capability for strengthening because it puts the patient in more of a live-action situation," notes Hurley. "Athletes use their strength when they are moving, not when they are stationary. So we try to simulate what an athlete's strength would be like in a moving situation such as on a lacrosse, football or soccer field. Because we can select the speed at which exercises will be performed, we can do a good job of simulating the speeds at which activity takes place on the playing field. We also like the ability to use eccentric contractions with the Biodex because this modality can increase muscle strength by 50- to 60-percent in a relatively short time frame."

Quantitative Measurement & Isokinetic Strength Training are Key!

"I think the Biodex is one of the better ways of evaluating an athlete to assess when they are ready to return to sports," states Hurley, "And I think that every athlete needs to have some type of quantitative measurements to determine when the time is right. The Biodex Multi-Joint System offers that, plus the ability to strengthen the athlete isokinetically with eccentric exercise. Just keep in mind that steady progress is the real key to success. Start rehab exercises at a medium level and increase effort by no more than 10% at any given time. The body can compensate for such challenges with little risk of reinjury. It's a formula that has helped our team achieve a return-to-play success rate of more than 95%. In the end, that's the most important statistic of all." 

For more information on the Biodex Multi-Joint System 4 or to request a quote, please contact Biodex directly at 1-800-224-6339 (Int’l 631-924-9000), or complete the Request Information Form.


Lila Corwin
Vice President, Marketing Communications
Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
20 Ramsey Road
Shirley, NY 11967
631-924-9000 , ext. 2281
[email protected] 

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