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Mary Ellen Harris

Holmdel, NJ

BioStep 2™ helps resident recover and stay active

“I can’t overstate how vital the Biodex BioStep 2™ has been in my recovery,” says Mary Ellen Harris of Holmdel, NJ after having experienced a series of medical problems over the past couple of years. “For me, really, it has been absolutely indispensable; a true difference maker.”

Harris, the 69 year-old CEO of a pharmaceutical company, was scheduled for hip replacement surgery when she failed a pre-op heart test. Thus, she had to undergo a double-bypass operation before addressing her hip problems. She says that although she had a thorough understanding of the medical profession and the rigors of post-surgical rehabilitation and exercise - she had no idea how much she would grow to appreciate the BioStep advantage while recovering from each surgical procedure.

“Getting started is the hardest part of rehab,” claims Harris, “but the BioStep 2 elliptical makes it easy. It helps your build cardio strength and new muscle so you can eventually add additional exercises to your routine. I began using it in the rehab clinic – it was the first piece of equipment they put me on - and I loved it so much I eventually purchased one for use at home. I continue to use it just about every day. It’s absolutely incredible.”

How long did it take for Harris to realize the BioStep was making a difference in her rehab success? “I knew immediately,” she reveals, “because I had a lot of pain after both operations and this system made it so easy to get moving that I was able to start exercising right away.”

According to Harris, the BioStep 2 is ideal for people who are beginning a rehabilitation program. It takes very little effort to begin cycling on the system, she says, and the elliptical motion means no jarring during pedaling that can sometimes be painful.

“Another thing I like about the BioStep 2 is that because it exercises both arms and legs, your legs aren’t completely exhausted as they are when riding a bike or walking on a treadmill. You can get cardio exercise while building strength.”

Harris says she has a no-nonsense personality, so she really appreciates how easy it is to use the BioStep 2. “It’s not hard to figure out,” she quips. “You just get on and go – but if you need it, the Operation Manual is quite helpful.”

Fully recovered from both surgeries at this point, Harris continues to incorporate the Biodex BioStep 2 elliptical into her daily exercise routine. She begins each morning with time on the ergometer, and generally adds several five- to ten-minute sessions throughout the day.

“I get on my BioStep 2 instead of watching television,” she says emphatically. “If I want, I can read or use my hands to do other tasks while exercising my legs, or I can work both my arms and legs at the same time.”

Harris says that her daughter will be undergoing hip replacement surgery in the near future, too. “I’ve already told her to buy a BioStep,” she divulged. “It’s made such a tremendous difference in my life and I’m sure it will help speed her recovery along as well. I’m very active and the BioStep 2 helps me keep pace with my lifestyle.”


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