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Hughston Rehabilitation
Lance Kelly MPT, ATC
Hughston Clinic, P.C.

Columbus, GA

“I have used the Biodex Balance System for two years with a wide variety of patients ranging from geriatrics to professional athletes. It is a great resource to have in the clinic when dealing with hip, knee, and ankle dysfunction patients, and is especially beneficial with the athletic population.

As a rule, athletes are very competitive and hate to be shown their functional deficits. The Biodex Balance System shows their proprioceptive weakness and challenges them to improve. The Balance System test mode provides a standard baseline to evaluate the athlete in a static or dynamic nature. The computer generates a print-out of the standard deviations of correctional mistakes and the percentage of time the athlete stays in a particular quadrant. It then compares this to normative balance data that Biodex has provided. This allows the objective measures of the athlete to be trained, and then easily reevaluated and assessed to quantify proprioceptive improvement.

The Biodex Balance System is the only piece of equipment in our clinic that can objectively measure and compare to normative data the proprioceptive deficits of a patient. It also works well as a simple training tool, providing a challenging and competitive way to motivate athletes.

In my opinion, the Biodex Balance System is a very cost-effective choice of capital equipment for most physical therapy or athletic training facilities. I would highly recommend this product to any orthopedic clinic, athletic training room, rehab clinic or balance clinic because of the true objective measurements and normative data the system offers to both patient and clinician.”


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