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Oswego Health
Jason Pratt, Director of Rehab Services

Oswego, NY

“The first Biodex product we got was the BioSway. We all loved the machine. We got great feedback from people using it, and we ended up using it more and more. So we invested in a Balance System SD. After a few months I realized, I don’t even use my fitter board anymore. I don’t need it. I’ve got something better.

“When the opportunity came to open up another clinic, the Balance System SD was a priority for us. We were going to make it work for our budget. If we had to miss out on some other things, that’s fine because the device went over so well with people, and we used it so much.

“We use the Balance System SD for multiple diagnoses. Any kind of lower extremity or neurological diagnosis, lower back problems, vestibular balance, posterior pelvic tilt in patients with low-back arthritis, squat stabilization after ACL repairs. The list goes on – from teenagers with orthopedic problems, all the way up to ninety-year-old adults with balance/fall issues. It’s so versatile and high quality. Patients are curious about it when they see it. It hits people’s gadget button and adds extra value to the patient experience.

“Not only does the Biodex device get positive attention from patients, it also motivates them in their recovery by objectifying things really quickly and giving them positive feedback. We know they are getting better. But they feel like they’re getting better and see that they’re getting better. They feel like they accomplished something, and that’s a lot better than me putting them on the fitter board for three minutes and just saying it looks like they have better control. You get that kind of response from someone with the Biodex Balance devices that you can’t get with a BAPS board or fitter board.”


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