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Moochler Physical Therapy
Barry Moochler, PT

Auburn, NY

“I've worked with Isokinetic systems for over 15 years and I've got to say, the Biodex Multi-Joint System that I've recently purchased is really getting the job done here.

Ease of use is the big plus with the Biodex MJS. The System software is intuitive and easy to use. That helps speed things right along. The versatility of the dynamometer, chair and attachments are also a tremendous help. With this set-up I can have a wide variety of patient types up and ready to go in a matter of minutes. On average, I put about 150 patients on the system each week. In addition to Isokinetics, I often use the system for passive/active assisted isotonics, eccentrics and proprioception exercises. I've also worked up a program using the Biodex System for baseline testing of local high school athletes, drawing a solid response from the local community.

As for how the patients like the system, most see it as cutting-edge technology. It is a sturdy, professional-looking unit and that alone helps give the patients hope and confidence that each session will help them on the road to recovery.

From rotator cuff injuries to ACLs, strengthening and treating tendonitis to screening athletes for possible predisposition to injury, the Biodex System is up to the task. I would highly recommend this system to other physical therapists.”


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