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Greater Boston Jewish Community Center (JCC)
Audrey Edwards
Wellness Director

Newton Centre, MA

“We have a very diverse population here at the JCC. We do a lot of training and programming for people with special needs, Parkinson’s, in addition to having an active boomer and active senior population. So, when we started thinking about adding pieces of equipment that would be adaptable and easy for this group to use, we looked at the BioStep and [competitive unit]. When we did a demo of both, we felt the BioStep was a much more natural range of motion and felt better on body and joints.

The BioStep has been very well-received. It’s easy to navigate, and easy to understand. Our members really like it, and staff recommends it to members often based on their specific needs. It’s a great piece. We’re in the middle of a fitness renovation and do plan to purchase another when the renovation is complete.”


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