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Relay for Life 2013

June 1, 2013

Biodex Employees Raise $6K for American Cancer Society

Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. once again sponsored the Center Moriches Relay for Life Event.
For the fourth year in a row,15 employees volunteered to work as a team and participate in raising funds for this life altering and lifesaving event!

Together with the support of all our fellow Biodex employees, we were able to raise $6,000 to benefit the American Cancer Society. During the last four months we conducted numerous fundraising events to make it fun, as well as profitable for everyone. We sold candy and muffins to our co-workers, raffled off a Shamrock Lottery Tree for St. Patrick’s Day, sold Cancer Awareness Bracelets, held a Mother’s Day Basket Raffle, held fundraisers at Wendy’s and Friendly’s restaurants, sold backpacks that were donated to us, held a Country Western BBQ at lunch time for everyone’s enjoyment, and our most popular fundraiser - our Annual Chinese Auction!

This year’s event was held on June 1, 2013. Our team members arrived early to set up our tent and arrange our fundraising table. This year our team won 1st Place for the Best Decorated Tent! One of our team members, donated his popcorn machine, and we made fresh, hot Popcorn and sold it for $1, we also conducted several raffles of various items donated to us for this purpose. This year we raffled off an autographed Jets Football, a Giants Eli Manning Poster, a huge Aflac duck, five backpacks, three beautiful potted plants with a garden decorative stone included.

Several of our co-workers from Biodex came to the event to cheer us on and support our fundraising efforts. We all had a wonderful time together. Activities that bring employees together for a meaningful purpose creates not only friendships but loyalty among co-workers.

Here are some thoughts from a few
of our team members this year:

Kathy Weihberg
Receptionist/ HR Assistant
I started working at Biodex only 4 months ago as their Receptionist and HR Assistant. One of the duties of my position is to arrange and organize company activities, set up fundraising events, and arrange volunteering opportunities for those employees who are interested in donating their time. When it was explained to me that one of my first assignments would be to serve as Team Captain on Biodex’s Relay For Life team, I was a little hesitant. For the past nine months I had been the caretaker for my younger brother who was suffering from colon cancer. He died ten days before I started my first day at Biodex. My heart was still broken and my wounds still sore. I really didn’t know how supportive of a captain I could be. But once I started talking with my co-workers and hearing their enthusiasm and their prior year stories,
I decided to make the full commitment in honor of my brother. While attending captain meetings I meet dozens of new people and listened to their stories and realized I was not alone in my grief. Relay For Life came into my life, at a time I needed it the most. I am so grateful for this experience, and look forward to participating for many more years to come.
Ann Marie Alessi
Product Sales Manager, Nuclear Medicine
Participating in Relay For Life is a great way for me to honor my family members that have either passed away due to cancer, or have survived cancer. I also especially like the camaraderie shared amongst our team members and the entire Biodex company as a whole. Everyone is willing to pitch in to help support the team.
Lori Perrotta
Manager, Human Resources
It is a wonderful feeling to know that our donations will help children with cancer by funding healthcare expenses and supporting camps where they can have fun while receiving their treatments. Our donations will also help support wellness centers for adults who need to recover after their treatments as well.
Crystal Errante
Service Sales Associate
This is my fourth year being a BioStepper, my kids and I look forward to it every year. Not only are we fundraising for a great cause, but we’re having a good time doing it. I love spending the day out with our community. Watching the kids all run around laughing and playing. Looking at all the other booths and what activities they brought to share for the day. Listening to the different bands and Relay Idol Competition as we walk the track, and looking at all the beautiful luminaries that line it. I wish we had more days like this with my kids!
Amy Malave
Credit Supervisor
I had a great time helping prepare and set up for the Relay. The Cancer Awareness Christmas Tree was a wonderful idea this year, with angel and soldier ornaments representing our loved ones lost to cancer and those who fought and are winning the fight! It was great to see my aunt and grandfather’s angel ornaments on display, but a poignant reminder that they lost their fights against kidney and prostate cancers. Cancer touches many lives so I’m proud to help support Relay for Life!
Clyde Schlein
VP, Reg Affairs & Compliance
The employees that took control and decorated our tent site did a great job! We won 1st Place for the Best Decorated Tent. The amount of popcorn we sold was truly amazing!



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