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Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. devices help manage specific sports injuries and determine safe return to play

June 15, 2016, 4:00am

June 15, 2016, Shirley NY – Two debilitating injuries athletes may experience are concussion and hamstring strain. Both require careful assessment and specific rehabilitative processes and, if not treated correctly, either can end a career. With the Balance System™ SD [3], BioSway™ [4] and System 4 [5] Dynamometer, Biodex has developed technology, programs and protocols to help manage and treat these injuries and ultimately put players back on the field safely. Biodex will be showcasing these devices at the 2016 NATA Convention.
Hamstring Protocols
Assessment of balance remains an important part of any concussion management program. A decreased ability to maintain postural sway is one of the hallmark signs of concussion which often persists after cognitive symptoms subside. Biodex Balance Assessment for Concussion Management [6] adds the objective neurophysical component that gives clinicians the ability to quantify the elements of balance before and after an injury occurs.

Biodex Balance Assessment [6] is conducted using either the versatile Balance System SD [3] or portable BioSway [4]. The mCTSIB and a modified version of the Balance Error Scoring System test of postural stability can be performed on either balance device, both important for concussion management.

The objective data provided by measuring postural sway quantifies the elements of balance, comparing baseline to post-injury performance. In addition, test results from a healthy population of student-athletes are stored on the devices for general normative data comparison. Detailed summary and progress reports track recovery and provide the quantitative data to help with the return-to-play decision. Visit [6] to learn more about Biodex Balance Assessment.

The Biodex System 4 Advantage Software now supports protocols [7] to reduce hamstring injury and reinjury. Regardless of whether you have an existing process for protecting and strengthening hamstrings, the objective test protocols offered with the Biodex System 4 [5] will provide valuable, isolated muscle-performance data. Test results, combined with established targeted outcomes, can be used for pre-emptive injury screening, managing rehabilitation and determining readiness for return to play. A newly released protocol utilizing lengthened-state dynamometer-based rehabilitation strategy, researched and developed by Tim Tyler, PT, ATC, isolates the injured leg, and objectively determines when an athlete is ready to return to play.  An upgrade path for existing System 4 and System 3 Dynamometers is available.  Visit [7] for more information about the System 4 hamstring protocols and software.

“Biodex understands the challenges athletic trainers are facing in relation to concussion and hamstring injuries,” states Don Gronachan, Vice President Physical Medicine Sales. “Our goal is to ensure that they have the most advanced rehabilitation systems, protocols and programs to improve the assessment and treatment of their athletes.”

The NATA Convention takes place at the Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, June 23-25, 2016.  You are invited to visit Biodex Booth #4051 for demonstrations of the balance devices and the System 4 Dynamometer. 

To learn more about Biodex products, programs and protocols contact Biodex directly at 1-800-224-6339 (Int’l 631-924-9000), [8], at [email protected] [9]

About Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. manufactures and distributes medical devices for physical medicine, nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, and medical imaging applications. It also provides balance assessment for concussion management as well as a fall risk screening and conditioning program. The Biodex commitment to innovative excellence spans more than 60 years. Our customer-driven support is why leading medical facilities around the globe call Biodex first.


Lila Corwin
Vice President, Marketing Communications
Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
20 Ramsey Road
Shirley, NY 11967
631-924-9000 , ext. 2281
[email protected] [10] [8]